the detailed description of wireless sensor networks, problem of data
aggregation for maximizing network lifetime, and existing aggregation
techniques in chapter 1 and 2, we now present our proposed protocol
for solving data aggregation problem. This chapter first gives you an
introduction of our protocol “Energy-aware Balanced In-Network
Aggregation (E-BINA)” and then briefly describes the system and
energy model that has been considered for designed protocol. After
this a detailed description of the algorithm will be presented. As
there are some issues involved with every protocol, so with our
proposed protocol also. These issues will be presented in brief and
finally we summarize this chapter.
three broad categories of data aggregation techniques that we have
described in previous chapter are: tree-based approach, multi-path
approach, and cluster-based approach. Focusing on cluster-based
approach, we found that the existing protocols assume a sensor
network which is divided in to several clusters. Depending upon the
protocol operation, each cluster-head receives the data packets from
some cluster-member or from all cluster-member nodes directly and
then cluster-head perform aggregation operation.
the advantageous features of tree-based approach, we have designed
our protocol which takes the merits of both cluster-based and
tree-based approach. E-BINA assumes a cluster-based wireless sensor
network and applies tree-based approach inside each cluster. When a
cluster is formed and cluster-head selected, it consider cluster-head
as root and construct an aggregation tree over cluster-member nodes.
The process of aggregation tree construction requires the sensor
nodes to reduce their transmission power as sensor nodes now have to
send their data packets to the neighbor node which is selected as
parent. Energy consumed in wireless transmission is directly
proportional to the square of the distance between nodes in
communication [13]. Since cluster-member node now sends their data
packets to the neighbor node instead of cluster-head, the
transmission distance is reduced and hence the energy consumption of
the sensor node. Likewise, overall energy consumption of sensor nodes
in a cluster is reduced and so for the whole sensor network. Hence
overall network lifetime will be increased.
Balanced In-Network Aggregation (E-BINA) protocol is energy-aware as
it has taken the residual energy of sensor node in to consideration
while constructing the aggregation tree. The protocol also balances
the network load by selecting different parent for a node according
to the energy level remain in the sensor node during the aggregation
tree construction process. Each parent node performs aggregation of
data packet that it receives from its child nodes and hence the
protocol justifies the in-network aggregation concept.
System & Energy Model
a homogeneous network of n sensor nodes and a base station or sink
node distributed over a region. The location of the sensors and the
base station are fixed and known priori. Each sensor produces some
information as it monitors its vicinity. We assume that the whole
network is divided in to several clusters; each cluster has a
cluster-head (CH). The clustering and the selection of cluster-head
(CH) can be done by using any existing protocol like LEACH, such that
cluster-head (CH) is maximum k-hop away from any node in cluster. We
also assume that after the formation of cluster the transmission
power of all nodes is adjusted in such a way that they can perform
single hop broadcast. Single hop broadcast refers to the operation of
sending a packet to all single-hop neighbors [8].
energy model for the sensors is based on the first order radio
model described in [17]. A sensor consumes Eelec =
50nJ/bit to run the transmitter or receiver circuitry and Eamp
= 100pJ/bit/m2 for the transmitter amplifier.
Thus, the energy consumed by a sensor i in receiving a l-bit
data packet is given by,
= Eelec
. l
while the energy consumed
in transmitting a data packet to sensor j is given by,
= Eelec . l
+ Eamp .
. l (2)
where di,j is
the distance between nodes i and j.
Protocol Description
In a
cluster-based wireless sensor network, our algorithm is designed to
provide energy-aware in-network data aggregation in a cluster. Each
cluster uses this algorithm independently. In a cluster, the nodes
can be categorized as: one cluster-head (CH) and other cluster member
Function of
cluster-head (CH)
- Receive a query from base station.
- Cluster-head (CH) sends configuration packets to all single-hop neighbors.
- Receive data packets from all single hop neighbors.
- Finally aggregate the data packets received and route it to base station.
Function of cluster
- Receive configuration packets from neighbor nodes.
- Update and forward configuration packets to all single-hop neighbors.
- Receive data packets from neighbor nodes.
- Aggregate all data packets by applying redundancy factor and send it to selected parent node.
The algorithm works in two
phases: Configuration packet flow and Data packet flow that are
described below.
3.1 A typical scenario of data aggregation in a cluster.
Configuration Packet Flow
cluster-head broadcast configuration packet to all its neighbors.
Configuration packet contains the following fields:
Node Id
location of node that each node know in prior
Hop Distance
distance from cluster-head in terms of hop count (set zero for CH)
Residual Energy
current energy in node
node upon receiving the broadcast configuration packet that is
originated from cluster-head adds the sender of the packet in the
list of its possible parents with its node id, hop distance, residual
energy. After this the node again broadcast the configuration packet
to all its neighbors by updating node id to its own id, incrementing
hop distance by one and its own residual energy. This process
continues until all the nodes in cluster receive configuration
packet. All nodes that broadcast the configuration packet do so by
predefined and common signal strength that is know to all the nodes.
Data Packet Flow
all nodes receives configuration packets, each node now select the
parent to which it can forward the data packet. The parent selection
procedure is shown in fig. 3.2.
node looks in to the list of all its possible parents. The neighbor
node which has least hop distance, ie closest to cluster-head, is
selected as parent by a node. In case when two neighbor nodes have
the least but equal hop distance, the node checks the residual energy
of two neighbor nodes. The neighbor node that has greater residual
energy is now selected as parent. In both the cases, node also
calculate the difference of residual energy of two neighbor nodes,
which have least hop distance, and checks whether this difference is
less than the threshold or not. If it is then the node selects the
parent as usual. But if it is not then the node selects other
neighbor node as its parent.
Figure 3.2 Parent selection procedure.
This allows a node that
has more available resources to be selected as a parent node. This
also balances the consumption of energy of nodes in the cluster and
leads to die out of nodes nearly at same time.
selecting the parent node, each node now forwards its data to its
parent. When a parent node receives multiple data packets from its
neighbor nodes, it performs aggregation operation by eliminating
redundancy in the data. Each parent node checks the equation below:
| VNi – VNj | < K
where, VNi
data value of node i
data value of node j
redundancy factor
If this equation
satisfies, the parent node perform aggregation by applying any
aggregation functions like MIN, MAX, and AVG on the values of data
packet and send only one packet while discarding other packets. But
if this equation do not satisfies, the parent performs aggregation by
simply concatenating two data packet in to one keeping value of both
packets intact.
selection of value for redundancy factor (K) has a trade-off between
precision and energy consumption. If the application wants more
precision, it should select a low value for redundancy factor
otherwise a high value. Selecting high value for K means sending only
one value thus less number of bits needs to be transmitted and hence
low energy consumption.
significantly reduces the energy consumption of all nodes in the
cluster by reducing the transmission power of all nodes. The one
issue that arises in our designed protocol is that after the
formation of cluster and selection of cluster-head, all nodes have to
reduce their transmission power. All nodes have to reduce their
transmission power in such a way that they could only reach their
single-hop distance neighbors. This operation requires some kind of
synchronization among all nodes. The nodes have to program before to
perform the above task. For this, the programming task needs little
extra effort. Now when cluster-head received all data packets and
aggregated them, it has to now increase its transmission power so
that it can transmit the final aggregated data up in the cluster-head
hierarchy towards the sink. Another issue that remains with any tree
based approach is robustness of the system. In case of failure of any
intermediate node in the tree hierarchy during operation will lead to
the loss of data.
E-BINA requires all nodes to adjust their transmission power after
the deployment and requires extra effort for programming before, it
conserves a significant amount of energy. So in the presence of the
above issue, E-BINA outperforms when we try to maximize the network
- E-BINA takes the advantageous features of cluster-based and tree-based approaches.
- Instead of sending data directly to cluster-head, nodes form an aggregation tree in each cluster.
- In aggregation tree, the selection of parent is based on two factors: hop distance and residual energy of node.
- Energy model is based on first order radio model.
- Protocol requires all nodes to adjust their transmission power.
- Protocol defines two types of packets: configuration packet and data packet.
- Each node eliminates redundancy in the data by satisfying equation (3).
- In-network aggregation is performed during data flow towards cluster-head.
- Issue: Adjustment of transmission power after deployment requires extra programming effort.
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